SAMOWAR's debut album LEEWAY was written during a residency on the island of Comacina (IT). Surrounded by sailboats, Leen learned about Leeway.

With Leeway you express how much you deviate to reach your goal.

But the meaning of Leeway goes much broader.

It’s a space to play ~ room to move ~ slack ~ drift ~ breath ~ margin ~ It’s an arm's reach.

The album was produced and musically lifted by Stijn Cole.

Andrew Claes (STUFF.) provided the extra finishing touch.



We needed a double drink
We traded in hope

We believed in everything

Unveiling the missing link
We relieved our drones

We reviewed our wondering

Trying to reach
More than before
Little we know
Memories bleached

An offer made
Too often
Get more

Out of the game
Out of the remote